March 21, 2010

Hey guys,
Ok I HAVE to tell you about my trip to parliment house! It was sooooo awesome! We rode the train to Parliment Station then we got off and walked to parliment house. We had to have our bags go through an x-ray and we had to walk through metal detectors. When we got in we met with our tour guide he showed us around and we learnt lots of diffrent things. I won't bore you with them all now but let me tell you, when I walked out of that place I swear my IQ had gone up a bit :P
We then went to Maccas to have lunch.
After that we explored the city. It was soooooo much fun! You should do it one day.

PS: Thanks Mr. A for organising the trip and thanks Ms.Y and Dana for taking us :)

March 04, 2010

Hey people,
On Monday I had to present the badge assembly. All the student leaders and house captains got their badges. The badges are so cool! They are magnetic, and they are awesome!! We also had cross country, I came 8th. It's the first year I have gotton into the running team.