June 17, 2010

Hey all!
So, you remember how I told you about the charities that we are supporting? Well I have loads of information now, I have even made a power point presentation on The Salvation Army.
If you look to the right, you will see a link to The Salvation Army's website.
The Salvation Army is a great charity, they support:
.The hungry.
.The poor.
.The homeless.
.Victims of abuse.
.Drug, alcohol and gambling addicts.

The reason that I decided to choose them as my charity is because they don't just help one kind of problem, but they actually help LOADS.
You should really help them, there are loads of ways you can help, but the best way is to volunteer your time. They can never have too many people helping.

April 22, 2010

Hi all!

Ok, I know I know. I haven't posted in AGES! Well I've been busy with all the leadership stuff. (Trust me! It takes up most of your life!)Theirs soooo much stuff that I have done! I want to tell you all of it but I'll just tell you the important parts. I had to attend a leadership training program,and it was awesome. I learnt a lot about speaking in public and writing speechs. It was taught by this girl called Vicky. She was really nice and she was very good at speaking out loud. Another thing that I had to do was the ANZAC assembly. It was really fun. I had to read out the Reqium.
Today I had a leader ship meeting. At the meeting we are talking about charity's and awareness days we would like to support. I am supporting the Salvation Army. I haven't found out much information about it yet but when I do I'll post a WHOLE lot of info.

March 21, 2010

Hey guys,
Ok I HAVE to tell you about my trip to parliment house! It was sooooo awesome! We rode the train to Parliment Station then we got off and walked to parliment house. We had to have our bags go through an x-ray and we had to walk through metal detectors. When we got in we met with our tour guide he showed us around and we learnt lots of diffrent things. I won't bore you with them all now but let me tell you, when I walked out of that place I swear my IQ had gone up a bit :P
We then went to Maccas to have lunch.
After that we explored the city. It was soooooo much fun! You should do it one day.

PS: Thanks Mr. A for organising the trip and thanks Ms.Y and Dana for taking us :)

March 04, 2010

Hey people,
On Monday I had to present the badge assembly. All the student leaders and house captains got their badges. The badges are so cool! They are magnetic, and they are awesome!! We also had cross country, I came 8th. It's the first year I have gotton into the running team.

February 16, 2010

Hey people! Today we started grade 6 swimming. I used to swim regulary but now I only swim on hot days. I am up to my Maxi Blue certificate. I enjoy doing the swimming alot it's fun practicing, escepically when my friends are doing it with me.

I played with my prep buddy today, she wanted to buy something at the canteen but she didn't have enough money, it was so sad because she got upset. :(

On march the 9 the school captains and senior ministers are going out to the city to watch a sit in debate at the Stat Parliament House. It will be fun and I think I will learn alot.

PS: I would like to thank Kelsey for showing me the new template for my blog and I'd like to thank Caitlin for showing me the Fish game.

February 11, 2010

Hi guys!
Today all the grade 6s got their prep budies! Me and my friend Kelsey have to share a preppy call Zeinab. She is SO cute. She also isn't shy, which is good. She can count to 10 and she can write her name. She has an older sister called Zeenat who I used to know. We went outside and played on the prep playground, we asked her what her favourite part of the playground is and she told us it was the blue monkeybars. She showed us all her tricks and games and she even showed us where she scraped her knee. We organised a game of duck-duck-goose. Nearly everyone ended up playing. It was alot of fun and I'm looking forward to playing with her again.

February 07, 2010

Hey everybody, it's Adele again!
Today I had to present my first assembely. When I was standing up there I was as nervous as hell. I had a bunch of little butterflies flying around in my stomach, and it wasn't because I had to talk infront of everyone, it was because I had to say a speech that I hadn't rehearsed. But once I started talking all the butterflies flew away. I read off the script well, as did Nathan, the boy school captain, and the assembely ran smoothly. Nathan and I had planned a suprise, we were going to get all the new kids to come up, and I was scared that it wouldn't work out, but it ran smoothly.
One of my best friends, Caitlin, who is a school leader to, was up at assembely with me and it really helped boost my confidence.
All together it was a great assembely and I'm looking forward to the next one!