Hey everybody, it's Adele again!
Today I had to present my first assembely. When I was standing up there I was as nervous as hell. I had a bunch of little butterflies flying around in my stomach, and it wasn't because I had to talk infront of everyone, it was because I had to say a speech that I hadn't rehearsed. But once I started talking all the butterflies flew away. I read off the script well, as did Nathan, the boy school captain, and the assembely ran smoothly. Nathan and I had planned a suprise, we were going to get all the new kids to come up, and I was scared that it wouldn't work out, but it ran smoothly.
One of my best friends, Caitlin, who is a school leader to, was up at assembely with me and it really helped boost my confidence.
All together it was a great assembely and I'm looking forward to the next one!
Hey adele it's me catherine nicoll from grade 4 2 years ago plz email me back or leave me a comment on my page